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Ensuring Every Child Has Mentors and Champions in Their Lives

Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.

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Great Futures Start Here!

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Current Programs & Registration

From athletic programs to after-school activities. Here's where you can sign-up or learn more about our Programs. 

Donate to Boys & Girls Club of San Clemente

Your gift to the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area will help youth in our community reach their full potential.

Get Involved by Volunteering

However you choose to support the kids we serve, you will be helping to do Whatever It Takes to Build Great Futures

Have a question or not sure how to get started? Reach out and we'll assist.

Can You Do Us a Favor?

Help us get gold this year in San Clemente Best Of by voting for Boys & Girls Club best non-profit this year! Every year we make significant impact in children's lives and be recognized for it on a local level means a lot to us. Click the button below to vote!

*You don't have to go through the entire list. You can find the Non-profit category (#65) and Camp category (#90) and vote for Boys and Girls Club saving you at least 10 minutes. Thank you in advance!

Register Your Child Today For a Greater Future

Whether you just want to learn more about our programs or you're ready to register, we'll assist you every step of the way.