San Clemente

Planned Giving

Boys & Girls Clubs of the South Coast Area has the capacity to help interested donors with financial and estate planning to help you make decisions about your estate, create income for life, and reduce tax liabilities, all while supporting the kids served by our Club to reach their full potential.

Ways to Give

1. Consider a Charitable Bequest.

Leaving a charitable gift in your one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on Boys & Girls Clubs. A bequest may be made in your will or trust directing a gift to Boys & Girls Clubs.  A bequest may be made in several ways:

  • Gift of a percentage of your estate.

  • Gift of a specific dollar amount or asset.

  • Gift from the balance or residue of your estate.

2. Give Tax-Free From Your IRA to the Boys & Girls Club.

IRA owners and beneficiaries who have reached the required age are permitted to make cash donations  to IRS-approved public charities directly out of their IRAs. You must be careful to have your IRA provider assist you in making the contribution directly from your IRA to the charity. You cannot receive the required minimum distribution and then send it to charity.

3. Consider a Donor Advised Fund.

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle.  It is a fund established by a donor at a tax-exempt public charity, known as a sponsoring organization, where the donor has the right to make recommendations to the sponsoring organization regarding grants made from the fund and investment of the fund's assets.  They are easy to establish without the need for legal counsel. They are easy to operate. They require no annual federal or state tax filings or audits or annual board meetings.  DAFs provide donors the ability to claim charitable income-tax deduction in the year they create and fund it.​

4. Consider a Charitable Lead Annuity Trust.

A CLT gives the donor an income tax deduction in the year of the transfer and provides income to the donor’s favorite charities for a term of years but allows the donor to get their assets back at the end of the term. The donor places assets in trust but instead of the trust paying regular distributions to the beneficiary, the distributions are paid to the qualified charity for a term of years. At the end of the chosen term, the trust principal plus any accumulation is returned to the donor.  CLTs are especially attractive for persons who have a large income in the year of the transfer and anticipate lower income in future years since they benefit from an income tax deduction in the high-income year. This is an excellent tool for giving to charity without permanently releasing title to the property transferred.  The trust maker only gives up the right to use the trust income for a term of years and then ultimately gets it back.

*Please consult with your tax professional and/or financial advisor to determine your particular circumstances.

The Heritage Club

The members of the Heritage Club have invested in the lives of children in our community with a gift to the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area in their Estate Plan. If you have included the Club in your Estate Plan but are not listed below, please reach out to Hilary Hill, Director of Development at (949)-492-0376 x.12 or email at

Maryetta S. Craig

John C. Ott

Dorothy Richards Freund

Dorothy B. Visser

Michael W. & Betty A. Fitzpatrick

Dottie Flynn

John & Elisabeth Black

Robert A. Alter

Alona Cortese

Anna Rogers Herberich

Eileen E. Lewis

Ruth I. Cooper & Marian L. Cooper

Bruce H. & Louise N. Guess

Samuel B. Lutz

Carol & Bob Bonner

Carol & James Evans

Carolyn & Dave Westendorf